Episode 19 Kardeşlerim (The Sibling): Trailer And Summary

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The new 19th episode trailer of Kardeşlerim (The Sibling) has been released! In the end episode; Orhan is injured and taken to the hospital. What happen in the episode on September 11th?

One of the popular productions of ATV, Kardeşlerim series had its 1st season final on 19 June 2021. After the season finale, the most curious subject by the citizens was the new 2nd season date. So, when will Kardeşlerim start? What happen in the 19th episode?

Produced by NGM, produced by Nazlı Heptürk and featuring popular names such as Celil Nalçakan, Halit Özgür Sarı, Cüneyt Mete, Fadik Sevin Atasoy, Ahu Yağtu, Simge Selçuk, the series "Kardeşlerim " continues to come up frequently in the recent period. Citizens wondering when the new season of the popular series will start. 

Kardeşlerim, which is on ATV screens every Saturday at 08 P.M, made the season finale with its 18th episode on June 19, 2021. Kardeşlerim series, which will start its second season with the 19th episode, will be on the screen with its new season on Saturday, September 11th.

Kardeşlerim Episode 19
Image Via youtube.com @KARDEŞLERİM

Detail of Kardeşlerim 

Producer:        NGM Media

Producer:        Nazlı Heptürk

Director:         Serkan Birinci 

Screenplay:    Gül Abus Semerci 

Cast:               Celil Nalçakan (Akif), Halit Özgür Sarı (Kadir), Cüneyt Mete (Orhan), Fadik Sevin Atasoy (Şengül), Ahu Yağtu (Suzan), Simge Selçuk (Nebahat), Yiğit Koçak (Ömer), Su Sign Yazgı Coşkun (Asiye) ), Aylin Akpınar (Emel), Onur Seyit Yaran (Doruk), Cihan Şimşek (Oğulcan), Damlasu İkizoğlu (Melisa), Gözde Türker (Great), Kaan Sevi (Mazlum), and Melis Minkari (Aybike)

What happen in the end episode?

Orhan is injured and taken to the hospital. It is life-threatening, but is unable to work. Şengül desperately takes a breath from Akif and Nebahat, but while she can't get the support she dreamed of, the bad surprise of the host Hilmi annoys the entire Eren family. All the children start looking for a job together to support each other. While Akif's cunning plan for Erhan puts Kadir and everyone in a very difficult situation, life is even more difficult for Kadir, Asiye, Ömer and Emel...

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Kadir, Asiye, Ömer and Emel... These four brothers, who are close to each other, lose both their mothers and fathers after a series of unfortunate events. In the whole world, there is nothing they can do but hold on to each other, there is no hand they can hold. Until the doors of the college owned by Akif Atakul, who caused the events, and thus their lives, are opened to these children.

While this new life, where the paths of the rich and the poor, the criminal and the victim intersect, transforms everyone into a new person, Kadir will do whatever it takes to keep his family alive, protect and keep his siblings together.

Kardeşlerim Episode 19 Trailer

"You won't lose hope, okay? I'm going to get out of here..." "Do you think it's okay? Do you think the sun will rise one day over the dark streets?"

Kardeşlerim Episode 19 Summary

While Kadir is waiting with hope for the day when his innocence will be revealed behind bars and he will be reunited with his brothers, the brothers, who are scattered all over the place, are doing their best to get their brothers out of prison. When Doruk learns the bitter truth about his father Akif, his life is greatly shaken, and his relationship with Asiye is on an irreversible path.

Kardeşlerim (The Sibling) Broadcast on Saturday, September 11st, on ATV with episode 19 is taking its place on the screens. Read Also All Episode of Kardeşlerim (The Sibling)

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