El Kızı (Hand of Girl) Filming Location
Where is El Kızı (Hand of Girl) filmed? What the series about? Who are the players?
The question of where El Kızı (Hand of Girl) is filmed continues to be the subject of people who want to get preliminary information about the series. El Kızı, starring names such as Sevda Erginci, Fikret Kuşkan and Perihan Savaş, is curious about where it was filmed. So, where is El Kızi filmed? Here is detailed information on that subject.
El Kızı (Hand of Girl) draws attention with its location, actors and plot. The El Kızı series, which deals with the problems of a girl, will be broadcast on Fox TV screens. So, Where is the Handmaid Filmed, what is the subject? Here is detailed information on that subject.
El Kızı Filming Location
The shooting of the El Kızı series takes place in and around Muğla's Ula district. Districts such as Marmaris, Köyceğiz and Gökova Bay were also included in the El Kızı shootings.
Image Via www.fox.com.tr |
El Kızı Plot Story
The day the ship started to take on water, El Kızı (Hand of Girl) "They threw it down..." We were a very happy family. My mother was the apple of my father's eye. She was my grandmother's daughter, not her bride. He was one of the whole family. Then one day my father loved another woman. She became their daughter until the child she gave birth to, and my mother became the daughter of the hand. On the day the ship started to take on water, the first anemia was thrown from the ship.
Girls who lived through their mother's fate. But there is something they don't know. "I got my destiny from my mother and my blood from my father. I don't kill myself like my mother." What was he saying in the real song? Will there be a sieve on the wall? Will the girl be an angel?
Surprise Birthday to Sevda Erginci on the Elkizi Set!
Sevda Erginci, the lead actress of the series Elkızı, whose shooting continues in Muğla, was given a birthday surprise on the set. Erginci, who was surprised by the surprise and thanked the whole team very much; “I am very happy and lucky to have entered my 28th birthday with such a beautiful team as part of a project that I love and believe in. May every day we spend here be at least as good as today, and let us do great things together for a long time.”
Read Also All Episode of El Kızı (Hand of Girl)
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