Episode 3 Mükemmel Eşleşme (Perfect Match): Trailer And Summary

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In the end episode; The families, who brought both Kerem's and Pınar's close friends into action, came up with a very good formula to bring Kerem and Pınar together! The new 3rd episode of Mükemmel Eşleşme (Perfect Match) series, which will be watched with great admiration on TRT 1 screens, will be aired on July 30th.

Mükemmel Eşleşme 3rd episode trailer has been released. In the new episode trailer released; When her father asks Pınar if she has consent to marry Kerem, Pınar gives her consent. As families begin to get closer to each other, cooking fish at home on the day of the request creates a big problem. Perfume allergy will turn the request ceremony into a festival. So what will happen in the new episode of Perfect Match? Here is Mükemmel Eşleşme 3rd episode trailer...

The new episode trailer of TRT1's new series Mükemmel Eşleşme has been released. In the lead roles of the series, which is about the falling in love of two young people, step by step, against the modern arranged method; Ahmet Kayakesen and Gizem Sevim. The series, written by Birol Güven and directed by Emre Kavuk, has already taken its place among the popular productions of the screens. So what will happen in the new episode of Mükemmel Eşleşme? Here is Mükemmel Eşleşme 3rd episode summary...

mukemmel eslesme ep 3
Image Via www.trt1.com.tr

What happen in the end episode?

The families who wanted Kerem and Pınar to get married forced them together, but they were not successful. Because the first meeting did not go well for neither Pınar nor Kerem. However, the families are not willing to give up. Even if Kerem and Pınar do not want to see each other again, the families do their best to bring them together. This time, the families, who brought both Kerem's and Pınar's close friends into action, came up with a very good formula to bring Kerem and Pınar together! 

Now Kerem and Pınar will start working in the same place and they will have to spend more time together. In this process, surprising developments occur between the two. Especially Kerem, as they spend time together, starts to like Pınar very much and plays all kinds of games to see her at every opportunity. Meanwhile, Pınar's family and Kerem's family eat together. For families seeing each other for the first time, this meal will be very interesting and funny events and fun moments will be experienced. 

Kerem begins to be more influenced by Pınar as the days go by, and the gathering of families speeds things up. Kerem, who was strongly against the arranged marriage at first, decides to marry Pınar, whom he met through an arranged method. Kerem organizes a surprise marriage proposal for Pınar. Pınar's reaction is a matter of curiosity.

Mükemmel Eşleşme Episode 3 Trailer

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Mükemmel Eşleşme Episode 3 Summary

Kerem, who is strongly against arranged marriage, met Pınar with the force of her family, but later began to be influenced by her. At the same time, Kerem, who started to work with Pınar at the same workplace, enjoys Pınar's discipline, hard work, being a successful business woman, helpfulness and goodwill. Kerem, who convinces Pınar and helps the families meet, makes a decision during the meeting. Now she is sure, she wants to marry Pınar. 

Kerem organizes a surprise marriage proposal for Pınar. Everyone is aware that Kerem is going to propose to Pınar, and everyone is a part of this game. Kerem, who makes a marriage proposal at Pınar's workplace, in front of everyone, shocks Pınar. Shocked by Kerem's marriage proposal, Pınar does not know what to say and leaves the scene immediately. 

The fact that Pınar leaves without saying anything turns Kerem upside down. What will happen next between Kerem and Pınar is a matter of great curiosity. Nothing will ever be the same again for both of them.

The 3rd episode of Mükemmel Eşleşme series, which will be watched with great admiration on TRT 1 screens, will be with you on July 30th. Read Also All Episode of Mükemmel Eşleşm (Perfect Match)

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