Episode 30 Baba (The Father): Trailer And Summary
The new 30th episode of Baba (The Father) has been released! In the end episode; Facing Selahattin, Kadir comes face to face with death with a plan that an unexpected name is about to realize. What happen in the episode on December 27th?
You are in the right place for all the news about Baba 30th episode trailer. You can follow the current, last-minute Baba 30th episode trailer news and the hottest news stream on this page. The news related to the title of Baba 30th episode trailer are listed below according to the date and entry time. The latest published news is in the first place. You can be informed about all the developments on the subject you are curious about through the latest news list.
Baba series, starring Haluk Bilginer and Tolga Sarıtaş, is meeting with the audience on Show TV screens. The new episode of Baba, which draws attention with its subject and cast, aroused curiosity. Users are searching for the new episode trailer link of the series. The 30th episode of the Baba series is among the topics sought by the audience. Watch the 30th episode trailer of the Baba series! What will happen in the new 30th episode? Here are the detail ....
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Image Via www.showtv.com.tr |
Baba Plot Story
As the Saruhanli family learns a shocking truth after a plane crash, their lives suddenly change. The future of Saruhanlı family is already awaited with great interest.
What happen in the end episode?
Kadir is deeply shaken by a shocking news while he is trying to protect his family and Kapakköy at the cost of his life. Attracting Selahattin's men to his plan, Kadir takes action to save a surprise name. An unexpected development about İlhan and Büşra makes everyone happy, albeit for a short time. Continuing to resist, the people of trashköy are unaware of the situation that awaits them as they respond wisely to Selahattin's plan. Facing Selahattin, Kadir comes face to face with death with a plan that an unexpected name is about to realize.
Baba (The Father) Episode 30 Trailer
Baba (The Father) Episode 30 Summary
In the final episode of the Ay Yapım series Baba, starring Tolga Sarıtaş and Haluk Bilginer; The people of Garbage are in good spirits. Emin took important steps on the way to recovery and became a father again both for his family and for the people of Döşemeköy.
We see that Emin put all his advice on a piece of paper and left it to his son Kadir. New life lessons are coming for Kadir, who has been listening to his father's advice until now. Emin, who takes care of the lives of his children and family within the framework of his own truth, leaves them. Kadir has one last reckoning with Selahattin. As his father said; He does not bow to the oppressor at the cost of his own life.
Baba (The Father) is on Show TV with its 30th episode on Tuesday December 27th at 8 P.M! Read Also All Episode of Baba (The Father)
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