Episode 4 Sakla Beni (Hide Me): Trailer And Summary
The new 4th episode trailer of Sakla Beni (Hide Me)has been released. In the end episode; While the problems and insecurities between their families create a new crisis for Naz and Mete, Naz. What happen in the episode on November 23th?
You are in the right place for all the news about Sakla Beni Series Episode 4 trailer. You can follow up-to-date, last minute Sakla Beni Series episode 4 trailer news and the hottest news stream on this page. News about Sakla Beni Series Episode 4 trailer topic are listed below according to date and entry time. The last published news comes first. You can be informed about all the developments on the subject you are curious about through the latest news list
In the end episode; Incila, who is on the verge of being caught by Naz while she is with Mete, narrowly escapes an encounter that could ruin everything. While the problems and insecurities between their families create a new crisis for Naz and Mete, Naz, who thinks that she cannot get the support she needs from the man she loves, opens the door to a bigger crisis by breaking off the engagement.
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Image Via www.startv.com.tr |
Starring Uraz Kaygılaroğlu, Cemre Baysel and Asude Kelebek. The series normally airs every weekday on Thursdays. The first episode was published last week. The excitement in the series continued this week. So, what happened in the new episode of Sakla Beni? Sakal Beni new 4th episode viewing screen! for the series, whose first episode was broadcast on November 2, 2023, starring Uraz Kaygılaroğlu, Cemre Baysel and Asude Kelebek, directed by Nadim Güç and written by Armağan Gülşahin and Nergis Otluoğlu Akoğlu .....?''
What happen in the end episode?
Incila, who is on the verge of being caught by Naz while she is with Mete, narrowly escapes an encounter that could ruin everything. While the problems and insecurities between their families create a new crisis for Naz and Mete, Naz, who thinks that she cannot get the support she needs from the man she loves, opens the door to a bigger crisis by breaking off the engagement.
While Mete becomes more and more attached to this mysterious girl who suddenly appeared before him. İncila, who feels the same feelings as her, experiences the pain and despair of knowing the impossibility of this love, although she cannot yet explain the reason to Mete. While the love between Mete and İncila, who share a special day and night while big storms are brewing in their lives, flares up even more, they are on the verge of being caught by family members who come together to solve the problems.
Sakla Beni Episode 4 Trailer
'' Your only owner is mine ....!''
Sakla Beni Episode 4 Summary
Just when he was about to announce his decision to break up with Naz, Bible's appearance created a great shock for Mete. Mete, whose plans come to a dead end when he learns who Incila really is, goes into a rage because he thinks he has been deceived. Feeling very disappointed, Mete makes a decision that will surprise everyone and says that he wants to marry Naz next week. While this decision takes Naz above the clouds, it hurts Incila, who has to watch all these developments silently by her side.
Gulten, who does not consent to her son marrying Naz, imposes a condition on Mete that will surprise everyone. While a confusion at the henna night brings the couple, who are both in love and angry with each other, together in a surprising way, Incila, who cannot tolerate Mete's accusatory attitude any longer, takes a dangerous step that could reveal this secret relationship.
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